here you will find the most up to date information about the CHampionship meet
— PNWIC Schedule (See Below)
The PNWIC schedule is posted below. Should we be running ahead of schedule we will begin the next event early. As we refine the schedule, we will make updates to the schedule. The order of events will remain the same but durations and start times may change. Always ensure you are looking at the latest copy by looking at the updated date.
SHORT SCHEDULE: (CLICK HERE) - Posted: 6/17/2022 08:00am
DRILL SCHEDULE: (CLICK HERE) - Posted: 6/17/2022 08:00am
LONG SCHEDULE: (CLICK HERE) - Posted: 6/17/2022 08:00am
— Volunteer! (CLICK HERE)
We are always looking for volunteers to help run events and keep our schedule moving on time. Each district is responsible for a series of events, but you can find open positions here and sign up!
— Get TEXT Updates! (SEE BELOW!)
At PNWIC we will leverage the REMIND App to send out updates and key information as we progress through the state meet. This is a great way to know what is going on and if we are running ahead of schedule! This is broken down by District, please sign up for your district.
Oregon: CLICK HERE / Washington: CLICK HERE
— Drill practice sign up (CLICK HERE)
You will be able to schedule a timeslot for Drill Practice on Friday or Saturday. Each session will be 15 minutes. You are ONLY allowed ONE slot per drill team. If you book multiple timeslots, the admin will remove duplicate bookings to free them up for others leaving you with a single one.
pairs & Drill Music (CLICK HERE)
You are able to upload your music here for both Working Pairs as well as Drill regardless of Quads or Short Program.
No, if you wish to purchase shavings you will need to once at the meet. To purchase stop by the shavings cage during one of the sale windows listed below. A bag of shavings will cost $9 and includes tax, please bring exact change if possible.
Thursday: 07:30 - 08:00
Friday: 10:00 - 10:30 & 03:00 - 03:30
Saturday: 10:00 - 10:30 & 03:00 - 03:30
Sunday: Closed
PNWIC is not involved in camping at the Grant County fairgrounds. You will need to book your camping directly with the fairgrounds. You can find information from them (CLICK HERE)
You are able to actually find event results right here! Click on the links below to see the event’s results.
Barrels: CLICK HERE (6/18 12:16pm)
Break Away Roping: CLICK HERE (6/19 11:23am)
Canadian Flags: CLICK HERE ()
Dressage: CLICK HERE (6/18 09:47am)
Driving: CLICK HERE (6/17 3:39pm)
Drill - Quad: CLICK HERE (6/19 1:02pm)
Drill - Short Program (Five +): CLICK HERE (6/19 11:24am)
Figure 8: CLICK HERE (6/18 1:49pm)
Hunt Seat: CLICK HERE (6/18 11:17am)
Hunt Seat Over Fences: CLICK HERE (6/18 12:17pm)
IHOR: CLICK HERE (6/17 1:52pm)
In Hand Trail: CLICK HERE (6/17 10:46am)
Individual Flags: CLICK HERE (6/18 3:17pm)
Keyhole: CLICK HERE (6/18 11:25am)
Pole Bending: CLICK HERE (6/18 1:48pm)
Reining: CLICK HERE (6/18 9:49am)
Saddle Seat: CLICK HERE (6/18 9:52am)
Showmanship: CLICK HERE (6/17 9:24am)
Steer Daubing: CLICK HERE (6/18 12:31pm)
Stock Seat/Western Horsemanship: CLICK HERE (6/17 7:11pm)
Trail: CLICK HERE (6/17 3:38pm)
Two Man Bi-Rangle: CLICK HERE (6/18 12:40pm)
Two Man Sorting: CLICK HERE (6/19 11:27am)
Versatility: CLICK HERE (6/19 11:28am)
Working Pairs: CLICK HERE (6/17 8:11pm)
Working Rancher: CLICK HERE (6/18 9:50am)
You can find the patterns here! (CLICK HERE)