Chair - Sheilla Hagedorn
Anne Garrett
Becky Paulson
Christine O’Keefe
Dan Moriarty
David Masengale
Deborah Hoines
Doug Evenson
Genny Miller
Heidi Masengale
Kim Giglio
Nicole Rowley
Pamela Kiehn
Sherri Williams
Steve Bryson
Twyla Newby
Barb Manning (apprentice)
Interested in becoming a WAHSET Performance judge?
You will need to be a carded judge with WSH, USEF or a similar organization
Contact the Performance Chair to get on the apprentice list
Apprentice with a WAHSET judge at a minimum of 2 full meets
Receive positive evaluation forms from WAHSET judges overseeing the apprentice at the meet (eval form sent to the Performance Chair)
Attend the WAHSET Judges Clinic every year for the first 2 years of your eligibility and during your apprentice experience
Email: performancechairwahset@gmail.com
Gaming Chair - Heidi Masengale
Ron Bishop
Cameron Backer
Jill English
Anne Garrett
Brandon Garrison
Rachel Garrison
David Masengale
Heidi Masengale
Chuck Cram (Jr Judge)
AJ Russell (Jr Judge)
Clara Keller
Hollie Dahl
Betony Simpson
Jessica Parks
James Vasileff
Tricia Reed
Twyla Newby
Lindsay Sogge
Jackie Miller
interested in becoming a WAHSET gaming judge?
Contact the Gaming Chair
Email: dhtraining6@yahoo.com
Cattle Chair - David Masengale
Ron Bishop
Cameron Backer
Jill English
Anne Garrett
Brandon Garrison
Rachel Garrison
David Masengale
Heidi Masengale
Chuck Cram
AJ Russell
Clara Keller
Hollie Dahl
Betony Simpson
Jessica Parks
James Vasileff
Tricia Reed
Twyla Newby
Lindsay Sogge
Jackie Miller
interested in becoming a WAHSET cattle judge?
Contact the Cattle Chair
Email: yeehaadavid@yahoo.com
Drill Chair - Chris Reed
Washington Judges:
Barbara Aberlee
Kay Bosser
Kurt Browning
Alicia Davenport
Etta J Gramley (Keller)
Clara Keller
Karlee Olosky
Dan Myers
Alison Perkins
Chris Reed
Tricia Reed
Kim Roberts
Christy Slaby
Jorga Stark
Robin Sturdevant
Diane Thomas
Kate Fifield (1st year)
Courtney Honan (1st year)
Larissa Marini (1st year)
Non-Washington Judges
Karen Bragg-Pursley
Debbie Dunphe
Connie Evans
Paula Ruth Gearhart
Alice Kampen
Rod Peterson
Mark Plowman
Kimm Roberts
Heidi Young
Janice Bothwell (1st year)
April Cooper (1st year)
Lyndee Fogel (1st year)
Shauna Hartz (1st year)
Dove Larsen (1st year)
Valerie Stalvey (1st year)
interested in becoming a WAHSET drill judge?
Drill judges are carded by WLRCA
Judges clinics are hosted by WLRCA every other year
The last clinic was Fall 2023
Contact the Drill Chair if your interested in becoming a Drill Judge
Email: creed@sazan.com